Blog post by Jeff Dahlberg:
During early morning walks with my wife, I try to pass the time by letting my my mind wanderer by imagining ideas for whatever project I happen to be working on at the time. My eyes wander. I listen to birds, notice strange things on peoples lawns, that sort of thing. On one of these walks I started to notice that random people had left messages carved into the cement long before I had ever been there. I found this interesting and became curious. I asked myself: Who were these people? Where are they now? What was their state of mind? As I collected images of these modern day petroglyphs on my I-Phone, I started to imagine what may have compelled them to act and speculated on their hidden meaning.
Perhaps a stick near a wet cement sidewalk is just too hard for any human to resist. It’s an open invitation for someone to leave their mark. Something that says, “I exist and I was here.” And that’s just human nature.
fantastic observations